Missing targets

It might seem discouraging to miss the goals you set for yourself. The goals were always just markers, steps in the right direction. I set goals for myself this year, just like most people do. I missed all of them, but I've never felt so satisfied, with my efforts as I feel right now. The goals were always a stretch. But I'm surprised at how close I've gotten.

Physical goals:

Exercise Target Actual Previous Best
Snatch 70kg 55kg 35kg
Squat clean 100kg 85kg 65kg
Squat 180kg 160kg 125kg
Front squat 160kg 130kg 110kg

Last year I decided to learn how to snatch and clean. It seemed like a decent challenge to keep me exited to train over the next few years. Although I missed the mark, I'm quite proud of these numbers. Especially that, I hit most of these targets in August but a shoulder injury put me out of any heavy training for the last three months. Even then I tested all except the snatch numbers, and I still got it. It was scary how easy those weights felt. I'm quite excited to see how far I can take these numbers next year.

Goals for the next year

Exercise Target Actual Previous Best
Squat clean 120kg - 85kg
Squat 190kg - 160kg
Front squat 170kg - 130kg

It might look quite ambitious, but I think that is the point. Without a goal you cannot score. I'm deciding to drop the snatch as the payout is just not worth the effort. Plus it leaves me with more time to focus on the other lifts. Most of my time was spent on improving the snatch, but the other lifts seemed to have improved a lot more with a lot less effort. So I'm aiming to focus on them.

Excellence goals

If you have read any of my posts, by now it should be obvious that I mean programming. I've made tremendous progress in this area too. I've fully committed to the Go Htmx way of programming. Gotten quite good at it too. I know this because my project has been paying my rent for the last four months, and will continue to do for at least the year to come.

My goal for the next year is to grow my project to make 20K USD/month. Plus there are a few other things in the works. Which I'll talk about later.

Browser & Zig

The Zig browser project has been quite satisfying and I intend to continue working on it. I was supposed to work on the scroll behavior today. I'll work on it after I finish writing this. Working on the browser has made me feel a lot more competent than I have ever felt with programming. Can't wait to see what else I'll get to learn in the days, weeks and months to come.

Finally, I think it's better to have goals and miss them than to not have them at all. I found that writing them down in a place where I'll stumble across now and again, reminds me of why I'm doing something. The goal is and will always be, progress and not perfection.