Time to be patient

One of the most consistent pattern in my life has been not knowing what to do next. I have a general direction I want to walk in but that's about it. It is and has been software for the last five years. Each year, I find myself yearning for more and wanting to dig deeper, going after harder challenges. The in-between time is the hardest. From finishing one hard thing to figuring out what's next. For now, I'm still writing some Zig, just so I'm ready when I figure out what my next challenge is.

I'm more than happy to code day to day at work, I answer to no one and I have complete autonomy to pursue any ideas. But I still yearn for a challenge in an area that I'm not sure about. It's what I like to do first thing in the morning, just work on something just for myself. It's what gives me the most joy, figuring out something I never thought I'd be able to.

It took me most of my life to figure out what do with my time. Till I was about twenty seven. But I'm glad that I've found it. There is a lot that I need to explore. At the same time I'm glad I found it a bit later in life, I've tried enough things, had a few different careers to really know what it is that I really want to do and to attain mastery at.

For the moment I need to be patient, till I figure out the next challenge. I know it's right around the corner. At the same time I know that I can't just wait for inspiration to happen. I try to do the little that I can do, learn something small and to keep writing code. You have to meet inspiration halfway.