Building a browser

The browser in one of those mythical beast to a web programmer like myself. It's a complex piece of software, it's true that as a web programmer I look at game programmers as these majestic creatures that perform magic with code. I watched this video on…

The Truth

The truth is I don't know what I'm doing. Most of the time, I do something so as to make it seem like I'm moving forward. That's a lie, I tell myself. The truth is I don't know what I…

Envy & Craftsmanship

I've always envied people who are so fluid with their craft that they make it look effortless. Envy is a good signal, it gives you a hint towards something you desire to possess. It's not the same as jealousy, where you just don't want…

Hotchpotch: 20 Oct 2024

Writing has come quite easy the last few weeks, but today I can't think of a single things to write about. Seems like I have hit a writing wall. So I decided just to sit down and write one line and go from there. Might not be a…

//go:embed migrations/*.sql

Just recently I learned about embed.FS. It was an accident, that showed up at the right time. Especially when I had a use case to try it out. It's not a game changer per se, but I love finding out better ways to do things. Usually how…

IDD: Intuition driven decisions

I'm not a religious person at all. I'm quite content with reality as it is. Still working towards being content internally despite external circumstances. All my goals are moving targets, and I don't see why I need to postpone being content. It is more…

One article a day, almost everyday

Ever since I figured out why I procrastinate, I've been wanting to test it out with other habits I wished I had. Writing is one of them, I've always liked the written word. Had a journal or a notebook to scribble stuff on for the past…

Note to self: Read the fucking manual

It's sounds kinda silly, but sometimes I do feel like I'm making things unnecessarily hard for myself. Recently I decided to something that I never do. I wanted to build an SSH App using bubbletea, at first I did what I usually do, just look at…