Encoding for fun

This morning I finally finished the encoding part of the base 64 encoder that I was writing just for fun. It was a lot of fun, it was the first time since I have been programming that I got to do some bit manipulations like shifts and working with hexadecimals.…

Never been so excited to see blinking LED's

Took a bit of time to setup but I've successfully run my first embedded program in Zig. It's a simple program that blinks the LED's but I was pumping my fists in the air for a good five seconds. The smallest things can give…

Embedded programming time

This is something I've always wanted to do, but never did anything about. Probably because did not know where to start. Recently I came across Micro Zig which was the push I needed to finally commit to it. Mainly because it narrowed the hardware for me. I'…

Not all features are like the others

Just finished building the document view for my product. This one took about a couple of working days but I'm quite proud of the end result. The requirement was to allow for a folder structure just like on desktop. At first I wasn't sure how I…


I can't be the only one but I kinda dislike this time in limbo, where I don't exactly know what to do with my mornings. Every morning I like to pursue something that I haven't before, it's also a reason to get…

Chop wood, carry water

Occasionally some gems show up in hacker news, ones that make you want to read it more than once. Today I found this one. It was nice to see a stranger on the Internet who things the same way as you do. The reason I write is for me, it&…

One step at a time

I've written about this before. I do have the tendency to focus on the end result from the very beginning. This is fine in most scenarios, except those where you don't exactly know how to get there. Most of the times it happens when I'…

The root cause

Programming seems to have seeped into my bones. Ever since I decided to quit everything and become a programmer. I had made a decision that I will not quit till I have my foot in the door. No safety nets, backups or plans. This was it, I was willing to…