There's a flu that has been going around, a few of my friends have it. It's not crazy bad, it's mostly feeling lethargic and I've been taking naps to help me function. It seems like the perfect opportunity to build some resilience. The idea is that, If I can do the same amount of work I was doing when I am feeling a 100% it means I can do better. To be fair, there is always room for improvement. I've been feeling like I'm not doing enough, and the feeling is mostly true. A few months ago, I was in a dark place, and it took a lot of work to get to a better place. That being said, it's time to switch gears. The last few months the goal was different, it was to get started, now it's to use this momentum that I've built up and make the best of it. There will be a series of steps I would have to take, but this feels like the next obvious step. Recently I came to the realization that I am a Type-B personality. But I also know that it's not set in stone and I can move myself more towards Type-A. The only reason I think that I've done it in the past.
The strategy to do this is the same, take the smallest steps and do the smallest thing possible which is at least 1% better. Atomic habits work. The first week, I made the mistake of making big jumps like doubling the hours spent working. It made things worse, I was doing less work than before. For the same reason any daunting task gets pushed to the sideline. Instead I decided to ensure I do at least two deep work sessions, where I focus on the most important tasks. Keeping things simple and easy to do, seems to work really well. Mostly because this means, I can do it almost daily.
Designing hardware to run my software
In other news.
There is also something exciting happening. I've got an opportunity to design hardware to run a website, also which I'll be building. It's something I've never done before, at least not professionally. I've been a Linux user for about five years now, spend most of my time in the terminal too. This one has an exciting feel to it. It'll be fun to setup up the whole thing if we get the project. I'll be taking a lot of inspiration from Dhh. It's something I've always wanted to explore, this is going to be fun. I'll be getting some help of-course but will probably be writing some softwares myself from scratch.
Small Zig update
The Zig journey is going well, I'm working on the browser project. It has been a lot of fun, the main problem I find here is to ensure I stop and get work done too. I've been diving into the GNU debugger(gdb), as I was inspired by Handmade hero. It's fascinating how much you can learn from other types of programming, even if you have no interest in it.