Working for myself is better than I imagined it to be

You always imagine how things are going to be like when you are pursuing a goal. How you will feel, when you are actually living the life you always imagined. I've had the good fortune to experience that three times in the last decade. Every time, reality has always been way better than I imagined it would be.

I would like to write down what has helped me succeed with these pursuits one day. But today, I'd like to enjoy what I have been able to do.

Pursuit makes discomfort worthwhile

The pursuit of a goal is my most favorite thing. I love the process of change more than the end result itself. Which has it's downsides as sometimes it's good to have a goal in mind and reach it. It helps move on to other pursuits. For the most parts though, this feeling of going after something you never imagined possible to accomplish by you, is an experience you don't want to miss. Provided you like that feeling.

Life puts challenges in your path that you will never see coming. Most of the time they seem like curses but I've come to appreciate them over the last decade. Every bad thing, like the really bad things have been for the best. Some of them took years before I realized their value, but I've always found them to be positive. Except the loss of a loved one.

Whether it was when I felt lost as a twenty one year old, or deciding to take up programming at twenty seven or getting dumped by who I thought would be the love of my life or getting fired from a job that you worked really hard to get to. Everything has been for the best. They had one thing in common, when they were unfolding they also felt like the worse things that has ever happened to me.

I'm not a religious person, but my intuition has always led me to the light. I trust it religiously and follow it wherever it takes me. Regardless of the cost.

Working for myself

This is probably not for everyone, as I'm still not out of the woods yet and most of my opportunities are still half chances. Some might work, others might never take off, but regardless I'm loving my odds. I genuinely enjoy, doing what needs doing, and love the ownership. Turns out I don't like being told what to do, and tend to work best when I'm allowed to build things the way I like them to be built. I'm open to feedback by the people who are affected by my decisions of course. It would be a foolish endeavor otherwise.

The energy of the process and pursuit fuel me to keep going. I have time for all the things I want to do as I'm laser focused on doing what needs doing, everything else gets dropped. Plus, there are no meetings to discuss anything, only meetings to showcase progress, to show what has been done and if it was done right. Have a question, just message the person who is going to be most affected by your decision. Much simpler.

If things go well, I might be able to hire my first employee to help me with the projects. It's the right time, the patterns are established, now it's the easy bit of implementing them and fixing the rough edges. This is super exciting too, fingers crossed.