Back after a break

Not really a planned break, but it sort of just happened. Since last Wednesday I've been feeling like I want to let loose. By that I mean going to bed later and sleeping in and not training for a few days. It also meant, I did almost no Zig and missed a few of these too. It was probably the first break I've taken since last September. Although I haven't been over working, I have been working on something seven days a week. Even if only for a couple of hours on some of those days.

Yesterday it felt like it was enough and I was ready to get back into the seven day week schedule. I quite enjoy it, to be honest, I do something everyday and the progress is quite satisfying. It might sound like too much but it really isn't. It's something I'm naturally inclined to do, I fail at spending long consistent hours, but I can do inconsistent hours consistently over months, without it affecting me negatively. Just need a week off every few months or so.

Project idea

It's been a while since I built a network protocol. The last time I did it was for a database that I was building for fun in C. This time I'd like to focus a bit more on the network itself. I've been partly inspired by The Primeagen's video and partly by Andrew Kelly's talk. I was desperate to get back into writing Zig anyway. I've been writing a little bit of it, but not enough to quench my thirst for it. Which only gets satisfied when I work on a bigger project. There is also the added satisfaction of bringing an idea to life. In my head I have pieces of what I would need it to look like, and I can't make wait to bring it to fruition.