Hotchpotch: 20 Oct 2024

Writing has come quite easy the last few weeks, but today I can't think of a single things to write about. Seems like I have hit a writing wall. So I decided just to sit down and write one line and go from there. Might not be a coincidense that I only slept five hours last night. I'm the only one to blame as I was watching beyond fireship till two in the morning. So here I am trying to squeeze words out of my groggy brain. At least the title is quite honest, you should really not be reading this. None of todays thoughts are going to make any sense. I need more coffee. Be right back...

I'm back. Not sure I can caffeinate myself out of this. It's the only solution I've got, well I could take a nap, easier said than done after three cups of coffee. The ghost text editor is not doing me any favors, the spell checker is flagging my spelling for coincidense and caffeinate. I've had to look them up after going over them about ten times unable to find the mistake. Turns out the editor has gone bat shit crazy too. At least it feels that way. The red highlights just bother me, that's probably why I find linters so effective. I can't help but make it stop screaming at me in red. Sometimes, when I'm writing a function and the signature has a return statement, I write the return statement first, just to stop the linter from screaming at me.

Can't believe, I'm on paragraph three. There really is not shortage of shit to talk about, even when half asleep. I came across this book on browser engineering and I am thoroughly enjoying it. The authors are building a browser in Python, but I've decided to use Go, just so I don't rely on the code from the book. It's more fun this way too. To read what you need to accomplish and make it so. I'm calling my browser grome (Go + Chrome). It's at early stages, most of the code will be thrown away once I get it working. At which point I would like to do it better. Currently it's functioning as a telnet or the nc -v command. I've built a simple Netcat before as part of the coding challenges, you should give it a try if you haven't, they have some fun challenges there.

Now I'm just stretching this post longer than it needs to be. But it turned out to be quite fun. When I sat down to write one line, I thought that would be it, but I strangely enjoyed todays post. It did not need to be about anything, which is quite refreshing. Nothing to share, just putting down words on the screen as part of the habit building of writing. Will this make me a better writer? I think so, it shows that I can write even when I have to write about. Or not, who knows about any of these things anyways.

I'm going to take a nap now.