I had some time to kill the last couple of days. So I decided to move my regular web dev requirements to a template. I decided to make it public, maybe someone else will find some use or inspiration. You can find the repository here.
I'm not very good with naming things, so I generated some random words and picked the third word that showed up. It happened to be shave. Then I was like, this will do, and plus the repository is like a fresh start. Like a good shave. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
Usually when I want to create a new project, I pick up my last project, delete most of the files and then start from there. It's when I make improvements to the last iteration. Change things that I did not like and switch to something simpler. Over the last year, there have been a lot of changes. Since, I had some time, I decided to make it easier to start a project. A simple find and replace and I'm good to go. Since, I decided to go with Turso and Fly Io. It was easy enough to set those up too, so that I can go from zero to deployment in about as much time as it takes me to get all the ENV
values. Plus, any updates I want to make can be done here, as I think of them.
I've still got Authorization to do. I'm thinking use Goth, and just have Google or Github login. At the same time, I can setup all the session methods, tables etc. It's something I do almost every time so why not.
It's been a wild year of infrastructure hopping, I've kept an open mind. Tried AWS, DigitalOcean, and GCP in various projects. I'd like to say, I'm liking Fly Io. It's the simplest infrastructure to configure and deploy. I'm glad I took the time to try all the above extensively in my longer term projects. It's helped me see the various ways to do things. For instance, I liked using dokku with DigitalOcean but the whole setting up phase felt a bit clunky with a bit of manual work. Don't have many thoughts on GCP. With AWS I think, I was lucky to have my friend who is a Devops guy, he helped setup a lot of the things. If I was on my own, it would have been a nightmare. I like the AWS-SDK as you can do everything with it. Plus, S3 is really good too. Reason I went with Fly Io, is that, you can use the fly CLI to start a new machine and have it deploy ready the fastest. Plus, since I prefer scaling vertically over horizontally, I don't need a whole host of features. You can still scale horizontally with Fly Io if you want to. It's the happy medium for me, between having serverless apps and a VPS.
Any who, if you would have any tips of improving anything, I'm all ears. Feel free to open an issue if you wish to.
Happy shaving :)