Scrollbars are awesome
Today I hacked my scrollbar to work as it does on the browser. Hacked because, I couldn't get the math right and kept missing the bottom by a bit. So when it reaches the end I just put it in the right place. I know it's…
Today I hacked my scrollbar to work as it does on the browser. Hacked because, I couldn't get the math right and kept missing the bottom by a bit. So when it reaches the end I just put it in the right place. I know it's…
A bit of woo woo topic today. Disregard anything illegal because as far as the the law is concerned, intentions don't matter, I'm guessing here. The area I wish to talk about, is what you can aim for without bringing harm to others or yourself. Having…
Personality types are not set in stone at all. Depending on your type, either A or B, you might need to focus on different things. I can only speak for myself, and I think I fall somewhere in between, leaning more towards type B. Atomic habits might have been the…
I find that the way that my days start are quite consistent since I have been waking up at the same time. It's usually the time of day after lunch, which can be a hit and a miss sometimes. After lunch today, I felt quite low on energy.…
It's hard to embrace the journey. Even though most of our time is spent in it. It might be the thing that is true for all people. I can try to understand why some would just want the journey to be over and get to the destination already.…
Sat down to write this post at 1430, went to look for a link in Youtube, found the link in a minute, it's now 1454. Before I get distracted any further, lets begin. This morning I was watching this video on how the answers to some questions get…
I'm entering the next iteration of my writing habit, making it valuable. It was a happy coincidence that I came across this on hacker news yesterday. The author suggested a video to watch, which I'm only half way through but has made some shift in the…
Today is going to be short and sweet. I've decided to learn Zig, after being inspired by TIGER_STYLE. It's been a over three years since I've learned a new language, and I think it's about time I picked up a new…