Personality is not set in stone

Personality types are not set in stone at all. Depending on your type, either A or B, you might need to focus on different things. I can only speak for myself, and I think I fall somewhere in between, leaning more towards type B. Atomic habits might have been the most influential book that I have read in the last decade. At the time of writing, I did not find any particular need for it, but this year I would say it has been nothing short of life changing.

What I've found out is that the first few minutes or getting started is my biggest challenge. Once I've sit down at my desk and I start chipping away at the problem, the momentum builds up pretty quickly to the point that I loose all track of time. But getting started is a whole different problem. The solution there is also quite the same, pick something easy to do. By easy I mean stupid easy. Like just sit down and open up the terminal or open the file that needs editing. Might sound silly, but it does and has been working for about four months now.

When I say the momentum build pretty quickly, it really does. Just today, I sat down at my desk at 1700 and it almost 2100 now. Once I do get started, I can just get lost in what I'm doing. Feels nice.

It helps that I know more or less what I want to do with my life. The only details I need to iron out are, how I can continue to do what I'm doing for the next twelve months and take it from there.

Enjoying the pros of my personality type

Ever since I've been able to be consistent with my habits, I've been able to relax and enjoy myself a lot better. The quality of rest has gone up considerably. Especially when I know that I've done everything I set out do today. I've been taking quite a few naps, when I feel like it. These things just come easy to me. So as long as I keep refining the things I suck at, life will keep getting better. One year, month, day, hour, and a minute at a time.

Keep it Simple, Stupid.