This is a tough one, but every time I've tried to figure this out it's not worked out. I've not been able to stick to it. The best next projects, simply show up. It's sounds strange just to even type it out but it's true. I really want to continue working with Zig.
I have some ideas to be honest though. I've always wanted to draw stuff to the screen, I've done a rudimentary version of it. Maybe I could build something better? Maybe a desktop application? I'd really like to visit all the things I thought I'd never be able to do, and pick one of them.
I have a small checklist of boxes I'd like to tick before picking the next project:
- Should be something outside of my comfort zone
- Something I'm interested in
- Should be fun and technically challenging
The only thing I'm sure at this point is that, it will be in Zig.
Just as I was writing this, it got me thinking, I've always wanted to get better at managing memory, something along those lines? Not sure exactly what though.
I do irrationally believe, what I'm seeking is seeking me, so for now all I can do is keep my eyes open. Look for inspiration, it'll come.