When in doubt, read

Since building the browser project up to the point that I wanted to, drawing the screen and getting scroll to work. I've been finding it quite hard to continue working on the browser project. I'm at a point where I'm considering something else to build. What that is? I don't yet know. This is quite a familiar position I find myself in, where the next step is not obvious. So today, I decided that I'll continue reading the language reference and continue from where I left of couple of months ago. I read about half way through, so why not continue while I wait for an inspiration on my next project.

I've come to realize, since this is something I do for fun with my mornings, i.e. build something purely out of curiosity. It has to be something I really enjoy, I cannot contrive just any project, it needs to be something I have a genuine curiosity towards. So while I "wait", I'm doing what usually helps me find ideas, reading. I'm observing all the things that other people are working on, till I find something that is exactly what I have been looking for. It can feel like an eternity but it really isn't. Reading the language spec has the advantage of, opening my eyes to other language features and a different perspective on doing things.

Waiting is never fun, but it's part of the process. A time for reflection, to reorient myself before I set off working on something for the next few months. It help me course correct, or rather forces me to. Since, programming is something I wish to do for the long term, this time is minuscule.