For a year and some more, discomfort was one of my closest friends. It took a while but I've grown to appreciate it. It's made me better at programming and maybe even a better human being. Although that second one might be a stretch. Things have gotten a lot better, since I met discomfort. I'm not sure I want to let go of the discomfort. Although it's impossible to feel the same level of discomfort as exposure makes you resilient. But a smaller degree of it, might be more than just a possibility. What kind of discomfort? I'm thinking of a couple of things.
Financial discomfort
I'd like to put everything I make back into my projects. Mostly in the form of good engineers. Pay myself the bare minimum I need to pay my rent and for sustenance. Mostly because I'm curious how much better I can get with another year of this, this time on purpose.
Do more than I usually would
I'm a bit of Type-B personality. So there is slim chance that I'll end up overworking myself. I've purposefully taken on slightly more than I would have normally done. So far, it's quite nice. Although I'll admit it's only day two. I'd like to go further with working on the most important and critical aspects.
Although the last year and a half was some of the most challenging time for me, it was only one of the most rewarding experience of my life. The joy I felt as I overcame each and every challenge over the course of months cannot be put into words. It has to be lived and experienced first hand. Why not experience more of this, satisfaction?
What if this was the point of the last year and a half? I'm a spiritual person and trust my gut to make the big decisions of life. What if I'm meant to walk deeper into this path? There is a way to find out.