01 January 2025

Feels like just another day really, woke up at the same time I normally do, made coffee, read a bit and then worked a bit on the browser. There are no specific resolutions for me this year, it's just a modification of last years, some things were added, some things can be improved, and some dropped.

Goal iterations compared to last year

These are mainly just in two categories. Physical and Purpose. I found that focusing on the same things over a course of half a decade or decade tend to pay off the best. From the experience of the last half decade compared to the decade before that.


This one is the easiest as it's quite easy to measure. The main difference is that I've dropped Snatches to focus more on the Squat cleans. Plus I've updated the numbers to be slightly higher than my last years goal. You can find them here if you are curious.


This one might have fewer changes compared to the above. Mostly because a lot of things have fallen into place. I'm getting closer to have the complete freedom to spend my time as I want. It has and continues to be, to get better at programming. I go by feel and the difficulty of the problems I am solving. Last year was fucking awesome, in terms of improving my craft. I learned how to draw things on the screen, render text as I was working on my browser project. Got better at Go and Zig. I feel quite comfortable with Go and the more I program in Zig, I find that I'm getting better at programming and Go in general. I'm just going to be doing more of the same. I'm starting a new contract today, to build a backend from scratch. There are some things like logs that I want to get better at, to get more visibility of what's happening on the server. Exciting times.

Wish you the best year

I hope your wants, needs, desires and purpose all line up. It's worth pursuing. May you find joy in your life on a day to day basis. From my own experience I can say that, it's worth pursuing excellence. It's a simple way to have a rewarding life. It'll pay off too.

Happy new year.