This might just be a personal observation, but I get the feeling it's important to stay true to what it is that you want to do and trusting that mastery will bear fruits. It's quite easy to stray from it over the course of years. For me it has been and will be programming for the foreseeable future. I will not say not to an opportunity, provided it does not get in the way of working on my craft. It's just that, I know how it feels when I stop pursuing something deeply, I have felt it far too many times in my life to know the value of mastery. The joy that I feel when I overcome or understand something is just priceless.
Currently I'm stuck, I don't know what I want to work on next. A challenge to work on the craft. I've been reading the language spec and it just makes me want to write code more. This is a familiar position but I also know that it will pass, just as it has in the past.
In my control
Most things that I am a part of are out of my control, they rely on more than just myself to work. Programming first thing in the morning is the one time during the day where I do something completely for myself. As I wish to do it. Also, I know if all else fails, I can pick myself back up. I will have the tools to do so.
Knowing me I know I might walk away from things at any point If it rubs the wrong way, I like that about myself. I'm willing to risk it all on something If it feels right to my bone. Despite what I'm told. It's all or nothing, not in terms of the reward. More in terms of living life on my terms.