I read about this Pianist a long long time ago, I often think about what he said. It was mainly to do with inspiration and not waiting for one. Just sit down and play, regardless of how abstract the work. A blue collar work ethic has been missing from my exploratory work that I do every morning. It's completely for me, it's my investment to master programming. It's also not straight forward. Since, I paused the browser project after drawing stuff on the screen, I've been unsure about what to focus on next. Reading the language spec is important but without writing code and building things it can be useless. As I found out today. It turns out I was not as fluid with Zig compared to just a week ago, where I did not even have think about the syntax. I struggled with the basic syntax, luckily I had written enough Zig to refer back to my own code. So I've decided to get better at managing memory as coming from Go
and Js
, I've never had to put much thought into it. I tried to avoid heap allocations when using Go
but I'd like to get better at managing the entire memory used by the application. Figuring out how to collect garbage and deciding when to clear it out too.
It's true, when you don't know where you are going, any path will take you there. Waiting does no one any good (most times). It has no energy about it. Action on the other hand, has all the raw materials necessary for inspiration. It's happened to me enough times to know better. But it's a mistake that I've made quite a few times. But I have been able to catch it earlier, this one was caught in a week. Which is pretty good in my book. Also, forgot how good it felt to be writing code, although I write code everyday, it's mostly because I need to. The mornings are entirely for my own bliss, following any Rabbit hole without any care for where it leads.
Over 115 posts in 137 days
Super happy with this one. I've missed quite a few days there but it's still feels good to see the posts count building up. The quality of the posts are questionable, but I like the process of writing. Always wanted to build a habit around writing everyday, I'm happy to see that I'm getting there. Can't wait to see how long it takes to write 200.