Turning off my LSP autocomplete

It's only end of day one without auto complete, so I will wait about thirty days at least before I see if it's better, worse, or there is a middle ground. Why turn off auto complete? It wasn't an original idea of mine, I…

Reinventing wheels

This opinion has changed twice over the last four years for me, it started out as re-invent wheels, don't use packages, then changed to don't re-invent anything. It's settled to a happy medium, leaning more towards reinvention. I've realized through mine and…

Is programming OCD a thing?

This is a strange one, I've noticed that when it comes to programming and the tools I use write them I am super particular. The slightest change in feel, speed is noticed. I find it strange because, outside of this one area, I'm quite loosey goosey.…

SQL builder > Raw sql > ORM

To be fair I've used an ORM for maybe thirty days max. Did not like it then, and since using SQL builders for a while now, don't intend to revisit them. My reasoning is quite simple, I'm not the best at writing SQL, and…