The first line

If you have strong traits of type b personality in you like me. You'll be familiar with procrastination. Every weakness comes along with strengths. Sometimes like two sides of the same coin. If you take some time to understand why you procrastinate, it'll be a lot easier to work with it.

For me it's quite simple, I build up the task in my head to the point where it's looks like a mountain. The solution is quite simple, each journey starts with the single step. So focus on that step. For me it's to write that first line of code. Then the momentum shifts to having to stop from this state of flow. The other side of the procrastination coin. Now it takes effort to stop this and do something else.

It works brilliantly for me most of the time, like eighty percent of the time. Which is more than acceptable to me. It works for other things to like, writing this article or going to the gym. Focus on the simplest thing possible and let go of any expectations when you are starting.

This is something I have to do on the daily. But over time the effort gets much smaller. The simplest things have always and still work. At the end of the day, you are what you do consistently.